The story so far . . .
In 1997 the Lydford villagers gathered together in the Parish Hall to discuss ways to mark the new Millennium, particularly in response to Local Agenda 21. They were invited to share their ideas and someone suggested a forest garden. The idea took off. A committee was formed, land was donated, grants were awarded, trees and bushes were planted and Trust status was achieved. The result is a unique garden. Lots of gardens have charitable status. There are quiet gardens, memorial gardens, commemorative gardens, gardens that are part of huge organizations such as the National Trust or the Royal Horticultural Society, but our community garden is the only forest garden in the country with Trust status. It is totally independent, organic, free and with unlimited access.
After the initial energetic planting sessions the Garden has been kept “ticking-over” by a small group of volunteers: cutting grass, weeding, pruning, pathlaying and hedgelaying. An essential aspect of a forest garden is that it should contain several layers of trees and plants which are grown in an interactive and mutually beneficial way. The first trees were planted with the view that they would eventually form the canopy. Clearly, a canopy takes a while to develop but it is now time to think about the next generation of plants. It is also time to think about how to share the Garden with others, which is why you are being invited to become a “Friend”.
“Friends of Lydford Forest Gardens” will include a wide range of people. Some will be regularly involved in the practical aspects of the Garden, whereas others will provide mainly financial help. Some will walk past the Garden on a daily basis, others may live 100 miles away and visit once a year. The important point is that the resources of all the “Friends” combine to enable the Trust to achieve its full potential. Please join us!!
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